
Grammar School „Meinhardinum Stams“

The abbey is a traditional location for educational institutions of all kinds. Its very own grammar school was founded in 1949 and is situated in the old granary at the southern end of the abbey.


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Church-based University College of Teacher Education „Edith Stein“

The College for Teacher Education and the separate College for Social Education use this wonderful location in the Princes’ Wing. As a church-based institution the Edith-Stein-College takes its obligation of teaching according to a Christian worldview very seriously.

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Ski Boarding School

The eye-catching, protracted building opposite the abbey is home to an internationally renowned boarding school for skiers and ski jumpers. It is both a grammar and commercial school administered by the abbey.

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Friends of the Abbey of Stams

The Friends of the Abbey is an association founded in 1994. The idea is to give anyone who is interested in the abbey and its encompassing functions the possibility to support us financially and, in turn, participate in our activities.

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The baroque orangery, a quite small building below the park, was renovated in 2009 with great effort by the Edith-Haberland-Wagner Foundation. At present, you will find a restaurant and our shop there.

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–> Gymnasium Meinhardinum Stams–> Kirchliche pädagogische Hochschule Edith Stein–> Schigymnasium Stams–> Freundeskreis des Stiftes Stams–> Orangerie